
Scaffolding zone of proximal development
Scaffolding zone of proximal development

So how exactly does scaffolding in education work? In a way, it employs the logic of Zygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development.

scaffolding zone of proximal development

In scaffolding in early childhood education, the philosophy is very similar and works almost the same way to build independence in children.” (quote taken from Education Scallfolding by Very Well). When the building is complete, the scaffolding is removed and the new building is able to stand alone. “When building, scaffolding is erected to help supply support to the new structure that is being created. The idea behind scaffolding is that new information and skills are more easily learned when building on previous experiences and when there is support from teachers. Scaffolding is a strategy that is often used alongside other educational tools to aid understanding and learning. This strategy helps develop children’s learning and confidence. They both support children in accomplishing difficult tasks, and they expose children to tasks that are slightly beyond their current skill set. Through this theory, early childhood educators play a duel role. This task would require some attention and help from a teacher but over time a child would master it and the task would move to the category of thing’s a child can do. Vygotsky proposed that in order for learning to occur, tasks had to exist in the zone of proximal development, which is the area in which a child can do something with some assistance. First are the things a child can do on their own, second are the things a child can do with some assistance, and third are the things a child cannot yet do. In the ZPD theory, there are 3 major areas of learning. This means that in order for successful learning to occur children need to be engaged in both activities that they are proficient at, and activities that are slightly outside the child’s comfort zone. He developed the theory of a Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), which suggests that “children require activities that both support past learning and encourage new learning at slightly more difficult levels” (Beverlie, 75). Lev Vygotsky was a developmental psychologist who studied the processes through which children learn.

scaffolding zone of proximal development

In this post, we combine these two interrelated concepts for a stronger understanding of their role in learning. In previous posts we have discussed the theoretical foundation of the Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development, as well as the idea and structure of scaffolding in the early childhood education classroom.

Scaffolding zone of proximal development